Site icon Yvonne M Morgan

The Hush of a Saturday Morning

The fan quietly whirls above my head, sending down a refreshing breeze of coolness. The dog gently snores at my feet. I savor my coffee and listen to the silences of the early morning. A gentle breeze blows outside and stirs my windchimes to life. I love their sounds as they dance in the wind. I find the quiet and early morning shadows bring a calmness to my inner being. I am relaxed and filled with an inner joy.

I read through my Bible during these quiet moments. I find Psalm 46:10 “Be Still, and know that I am God.” I remember moments like these are a gift from God. My whole being relaxes as I feel His loving presence surround me. He is the reason for the peace and joy and deep contentment of the moment. I want to stay in this place and in this feeling as long as possible, to soak it in and never let it go.

Before long, life will pull me away to the activities of the day. The world around me will wake up and beckon me to get busy. And just like that, the to-do list for the day begins to swirl around inside my head. I push it away as I glance out my window to see the sun peak over the morning clouds. I refuse to let this moment go just yet as I enjoy another sip of my coffee. The world can wait. I continue to reflect on the Lord and all He has done for me. I pray, and I listen for His sweet voice in the rustling of the trees.

My phone buzzes as emails start to arrive. The dog is now barking at some unknown noise outside the front door. I will not be able to linger much longer. But, my day will be better for this time alone with Jesus. Too often I let these moments pass without enjoying them. As I get older, I learn to value these fleeting moments with God. The world will always pull at us, demanding our full attention. We must learn to be deliberate and protective of some quiet time with God. I pray I will find a time like this each day, but I will strive for at least one restful moment each week.

Have you set aside a quiet time to spend with Jesus? In our crazy, non-stop world it is easy to overload our days which drains away our peace. I encourage each of you to find a few moments of quiet, reflection time with God. It will renew the spirit and strengthen your soul to continue the path laid out before you. God is waiting for you in that hush of a Saturday morning. Will you meet Him there?


Yvonne with Orphan Relief Effort

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

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