Site icon Yvonne M Morgan

Clinging to the Rock

Clinging to the Rock; Clinging to Jesus; The Rock of our Salvation; Shelter in the storm; Jesus; Storms; Raging waves

We took the family to visit Niagara Falls recently. I felt the earth shudder beneath my feet as we stood gazing down at the Horseshoe Falls. The rushing water thundered past us as it plummeted to the river below. I felt insignificant as I stared in awe at God’s creation.

[bctt tweet=”I felt insignificant as I stared in awe at God’s creation.”]

We ventured onto the churning white waters at the bottom of the falls in the Hornblower boat and got soaked in the process. We rode the Aerocar over the swirling whirlpool at the bend in the river. And we walked along the river to witness the incredible strength of the category six rapids.

Psalm 63:8 (NIV) “My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.”

I spotted a rock near the edge of the rapids and noticed a small tree clinging to it. Turbulent waters raced past the tree as it held on tightly. The stone and the sapling seemed like the current would engulf it at any moment, washing it away forever. I watched earnestly and felt relieved to be on firm ground instead of clinging to a rock in a raging river.

[bctt tweet=”When you are drowning in turmoil, what do you cling to until the waters recede?”]

But, isn’t that how we live our lives? Troubles and trails surge around us and threaten to swamp us at any moment. When you are drowning in turmoil, what do you cling to until the waters recede? Just like the river rock I witnessed, Jesus is our rock. We can cling to Him in times of troubles. Unlike the stone I observed, Jesus will never get overtaken by the raging waters. He provides us with a firm foundation against anything problems life gives us. Sometimes, He may calm the waters, but other times He will soothe our hearts. Either way, the safest place to be during a storm, is with our roots sunk deep into the rock of our salvation. Cling to Jesus.

[bctt tweet=”The safest place to be during a storm, is with our roots sunk deep into the rock of our salvation. “]

1 Timothy 1:19 (NLT) “Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.”

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, you are my rock and my strength. When troubles arise, help me to cling to you only. Calm my heart and strengthen my faith to trust in You all the days of my life.


Yvonne – #blogger, #speaker, and #author

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

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