He Prepares My Table

Prepare; Table; Fest; Peace; Heavenly home

I took this picture recently while I was on vacation at the beach. My husband and I walked along a pier to watch the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean, and we came across this table near the end of the dock. Seeing the set table in a public area intrigued my imagination. Was the table set up for a reunion or a small wedding party or maybe just for a fun evening with friends? The setting felt peaceful as the sounds of crashing waves rose from beneath the pier.  I snapped the picture, and we continued on our walk.

As our sunny beach vacation continued, I found the image of the table kept popping into my thoughts again and again. So, I looked up verses in the Bible that talked about tables to see if God had a message to share with me. The twenty-third Psalm appeared in my research. As I read through the Psalm, I soon found something in the fifth verse. God enabled this connection to be a powerful “ah ha” moment for me as I could now visual a table set for me to bring me peace in a turbulent world.

Psalm 23:5 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” 

This picture summed up some thoughts for me. God is our preparer. He prepares us for our steps throughout our life. God makes a future for us, here and in heaven with Him. And He prepares a table to refresh us and sustain us during the tough times. As I looked at the photo, I noticed the “Life Ring” hung next to the table. God had provided more imagery on how Christ is our life preserver as well as our preparer. Jesus prepares the table for us and rescues us when needed. And at the end of time, God makes a home for us as shown in John 14:3.

[bctt tweet=”God prepares a table to refresh us and rescues us during the tough times.”]

John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Sometimes, I think I am taking a cute picture to preserve a memory, but God decides to use the photo to teach me. Nothing in life happens as coincident, so we always need to listen for that small, still voice and learn from the Master. The picture also has something to offer you. You have the opportunity to join God’s people at the table He has prepared. He will refresh and rescue you, today and every day for all eternity. The table is set and ready for you, so come.

[bctt tweet=”You have the opportunity to join God’s people at the table He has prepared. The table is set and ready for you.”]


Yvonne – #blogger, #speaker, and #author

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”


This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. stephaniemgammon

    “And He prepares a table to refresh us and sustain us during the tough times.” Thank you for the reminder, Yvonne. I needed this today. Right now I’m thinking of the fact that you could have just walked by without even noticing the table. Is that what I do when I’m stressed and worn out? Maybe I just trudge by the table God set before me because my head’s down and my eyes are on my feet instead of on my King. Thank you!

    1. Yvonne

      Wow, I wonder too how many other times have I missed the table. Great thought. I am glad you shared

  2. stepmomshawn

    This is so beautiful and what an important reminder to us all. Thank you!

  3. mimionlife

    What a beautiful reminder that His table is always set for us! 🙂

    1. Yvonne

      Thank you. God bless

  4. karentfriday

    “God is our preparer. He prepares us for our steps throughout our life. God makes a future for us, here and in heaven with Him. And He prepares a table to refresh us and sustain us during the tough times.” Wow, Yvonne. Love, love, love this post! Love the picture and the insight the Lord gave you from Psalm 23 and more. Thanks for the sweet and comforting reminder!

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Karen. Like you blog talked about today, I try to be aware of what is doing around me so I never miss out on His divine acts.

  5. Emily Saxe

    I love how you said that sometimes you think you’re just taking a picture, but God uses it as a lesson. I too believe nothing happens by chance, and I love that God can use all things for His glory!

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Emily. We just need to slow down and be aware of all God is doing around us.

  6. Heather Hart

    Thank you for this. It’s just what I needed to read today.

    1. Yvonne

      Glad I could offer God’s words for you today Heather

  7. nancyehead

    The set table provides so many ideas–Communion, Provision, Sustenance. Wonderful post. God bless!

    1. Yvonne

      Thank you Nancy

  8. Melinda Viergever Inman

    Your words so blessed my heart today, Yvonne. It goes hand in hand with another I read this morning – both reminders to keep my eyes open. I so often miss the notes of love and grace that God leaves for me along the way. I get preoccupied with my thoughts, my health management, and my work, and I don’t notice the wonder. Your words urge me to pause and take more time to see and to recognize the kindness and grace of God in what he’s allowing to cross my path. You nudge me to expect and to notice the love notes left for me to find. He DOES prepare a table to refresh and to sustain me along the way, each and every day. Now, to watch with expectation for the goodness awaiting me each day.

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Melinda. It is so easy to get busy and forgot to watch for God each day. I love the idea of love notes. I need to remember that one.

      1. Melinda Viergever Inman

        The picture of that table stays with me. Great visual reinforcement!

  9. Marcie Cramsey

    Yvonne, you model for all of us to be attentive to what God is teaching us. You are intentional at listening to the Lord no matter where you are. Whether at the beach, seeing this table, or wherever you are, you are hearing from the Lord. Thank you for the reminder of this principle. Thank you for sharing with us your relationship with God. The table has new meaning for us all because of your story.

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Marcie. I hope you have a blessed weekend

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