Beatitudes Part Two

Beatitudes; Matthew 5; Yvonne's Blog; Sermon on the Mount

In today’s blog, we will continue to look at the Beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. God gave us the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament to instruct us in what we should not do in our lives; the “Do Not” statements. Centuries later, Jesus gives us the Beatitudes in the New Testament to guide us with the “Should Do” statements. I love the contrast between the laws of the Old Testament rules and the guidance for a peaceful life under the Grace given in the New Testament. Jesus removed the yoke of the Old Testament laws and offered us the new requirements of love and grace in the Beatitudes.

[bctt tweet=”Jesus removed the yoke of the Old Testament laws and offered us the new requirements of love and grace in the Beatitudes.”]

Blessed are the Meek
Matthew 5:5, Meek, Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount, Inherit the earth.

As we continue to take the next steps of this journey into the Beatitudes, we come across “The Meek.” Society today uses the work meek to describe a shy, mousy person. This description remains far from the way the Bible talks about it. Self-controlled, obedient and submissive to the ways of Christ better describes a meek Christian. Another explanation might be a humble person who thinks of others first. Jesus wants us to be meek, especially in our world today, when so many seek to satisfy their needs above all else. God promises a grand inheritance for the meek in the next world. And those who live meekly in today’s environment will leave behind a better world for those who follow.

Blessed are those who hunger for Righteousness
Matthew 5:6; Blessed; hunger for righteousness; thirst for righteousness; be satisfied; beatitudes; sermon on the mount

Our next Beatitude looks at how we should view righteousness. God calls us to hunger after justice and righteousness. We must stand up for the poor and the oppressed. But, this is more than just tweeting or posting about these problems. God wants us to step into the lives of those who suffer and help to shoulder their burdens. James 1:27 reminds us that “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Those who help someone in distress will be satisfied by God. Don’t we feel better after helping someone else, like serving Thanksgiving meals at a homeless shelter? That is part of the reward God offers us when we seek His justice.

[bctt tweet=”God wants us to step into the lives of those who suffer and help to shoulder their burdens.”]

The two Beatitudes we explored last week told us how we should feel about our world. The condition of our society should grieve us and compel us to make a difference. The two Beatitudes for today remind us of our attitude towards the world. We should remain self-controlled in all circumstances, and we should help those around us.


Yvonne – #blogger, #speaker, and #author

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

100% of the proceeds from sales of my book, Turning Mountains Into Molehills, go to help the orphans at Orphan Relief Effort, Inc

Additional Resources:

More information on the Beatitudes

My Story

Learn about my work with orphans

This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. mimionlife

    We are blessed by Him. We are blessed to help others. I pray we all remember those in need.

    1. Yvonne

      Amen. The world needs us to be the example

  2. bethbingaman

    “Jesus removed the yoke of the Old Testament laws and offered us the new requirements of love and grace in the Beatitudes.” I have heard this said before but have never seen the proof. Do you have a verse that says this. I thought Jesus came to fulfill the law and therefore established its validity to us.

    1. Yvonne

      Yes. He came to fulfill the law and gave us grace instead. If we were still under the law of the Old Testament we would be required to offer sacrifice for our sins. Jesus fulfilled that law of sacrifice once and for all and now we live under His grace.

  3. Emily Saxe | To Unearth

    A needed reminder of what it means to be meek. You’re so right that a characteristic of meekness looks weak to the world. But I’m comforted by the fact that Jesus included it in this list!

    1. Yvonne

      Me too Emily. We need to teach the world about meekness

  4. stephaniemgammon

    Beautiful post, Yvonne. Especially the explanation and description around meekness. As silly as this is, it reminded me of Gone with the Wind and how at first Scarlett thinks Melanie is mousy and weak but then she grows to understand that she is really the strongest person that she will ever come to know.

    1. Yvonne

      That’s a great analogy for meekness, thanks Stephanie.

  5. This is highly motivational: “We must stand up for the poor and the oppressed. But, this is more than just tweeting or posting about these problems. God wants us to step into the lives of those who suffer and help to shoulder their burdens.” Preach, sister! Now we look around for practical ways to do this, not only in other cultures but in our own!

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Melinda. It is so easy to get caught up in just tweeting to help. We are called to be hands and feet not just thumbs.

  6. Stephen De La Vega

    Hi Yvonne. I like that you focused on how the beatitudes apply to our demeanor towards others. I think many times we think about ourselves and the blessings we receive in the list of “blessed are…” qualities. That’s the way I’ve normally read them. I’ll look at them differently now.

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Stephen. I am glad you found it helpful

  7. nancyehead

    It’s so important that we reach out to help the weak and anyone else in need. Perhaps the falling away of faith we see today came as a result of our lack of good work on behalf of others.
    Thanks and God bless!

  8. Yvonne

    I think it has a big impact on our culture falling away from church. Thanks Nancy

  9. Lisa Murray

    Love this description of our “should do’s”. You are right, meekness is seen to be negative, yet as you describe, it is “Self-controlled, obedient and submissive to the ways of Christ.” That’s what I want to be. Blessings to you!

    1. Yvonne

      Thank you Lisa. I strive to live my life this way and for God’s help when I fail.

  10. Melissa McLaughlin

    I pray we grow in submission and meekness, as we remember that our King who reigns forever, won for us a place in His kingdom, as He was also a Suffering Servant. God’s power also has a different appearance than the world’s power. May we hunger and thirst for His righteousness and truth to be proclaimed and lived out!

    1. Yvonne

      Amen to those truths. Thanks Melissa.

    1. Yvonne

      Thanks Ava

  11. Stephen

    Awesome Word and reminders Sister thank you.

    1. Yvonne

      Thank you Stephen

  12. karentfriday

    Spot on, Yvonne. Loving this Beatitudes study. This is empowering, “Self-controlled, obedient and submissive to the ways of Christ better describes a meek Christian. Another explanation might be a humble person who thinks of others first.”

    And I love this tweet, “God wants us to step into the lives of those who suffer and help to shoulder their burdens.” What a beautiful way to say it.

    1. Yvonne

      I like your explanation of a humble person too. Thanks Karen

  13. Jessica Brodie

    Great post. I love this line and think you’re absolutely right: “Those who live meekly in today’s environment will leave behind a better world for those who follow.” Blessed are the meek!

    1. Yvonne

      Amen Jessica. Blessed are the meek.

  14. Candice Brown

    God has been speaking to me about putting my heart for the least of these into action. I stopped mentoring alcoholics and addicts after losing a girl I was mentoring the same year my best friend was murdered. He has been impressing upon me that it’s time to step up again. After reading this blog, he prompted me to attend a meeting tonight. Thank you for being used by Him!

    1. Yvonne

      Amen Candice. That is wonderful, good job. I will pray for God to guide you.

  15. Yvonne

    Thanks so much. God bless

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