Are We Hearing God’s Message

Turning Mountains into Molehills
God's message

I took the above picture while I was on vacation at the beach. My husband and I walked along a pier. The sun sank low over the Pacific Ocean. We walked past this table near the end of the dock. Why was this table set in a public area? I rubbed my head. Was the table set up for a reunion or a small wedding party or maybe just for a fun evening with friends? Gulls squawked in the dimming light. Waves crashed against the posts beneath the pier. Did this scene declare God’s message of love? I snapped the picture in hopes of capturing the moment.

God’s Message

As our sunny beach vacation continued, I found the image of the table kept popping into my thoughts again and again. Still, I wondered if this was God’s message to me? So, I looked up some verses in the Bible that talked about tables to see what God had to share with me. The twenty-third Psalm appeared in my research. As I read through the Psalm, I soon found something in the fifth verse. God enabled this connection to be a powerful “ah-ha” moment for me as I could now visual a table set for me to bring me peace in a turbulent world.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Psalm 23:5

[bctt tweet=”God sets a table for us to bring us peace in a turbulent world..”]

This picture caused me to pause and consider how God prepares the way for me. He directs our steps throughout this life. God makes a future for us, here and in heaven with Him. And He prepares a table to refresh us and sustain us during the tough times. As I looked at the photo, I noticed the “Life Ring” hung next to the table. God had provided more imagery on how Christ is our life preserver as well as our preparer. Jesus sets the table for us and rescues us when needed. And at the end of time, God makes a home for us, as shown in John 14:3.

Looking for the Message

Sometimes, I think I am taking a cute picture to preserve a memory, but God decides to use the photo to teach me. Nothing in life happens as coincident, so we always need to listen for that small, still voice and learn from the Master. God’s messages are everywhere, but we must be aware to look for them. We have the opportunity to join God’s people at the table He has prepared. He will refresh and rescue us, today and every day for all eternity. The table is set and ready for each of us, so come.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

John 14:3


Yvonne M Morgan, #Blogger, #Speaker, #Writer

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

100% of the proceeds from sales of my book, Turning Mountains Into Molehills, go to help the orphans at Orphan Relief Effort, Inc

Additional Resources:

Free Resource on Love

Turning Tragedy Into Triumph

My Story

Getting to know Jesus

Prayer for Salvation

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Lisa Q

    I love that verse. It speaks of such intimacy, of a desire to simply be in relationship with us, to spend time with us… God is amazing that He would want to spend time with “little old us!”

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      And it is addressed to each of us as individuals, to be in a relationship.

  2. nancyehead

    Yes, personal. He says, “I will come and sup with you.”

  3. Candice Brown

    Such a simple, refreshing message: my God wants to sup with me! I’m worth his time. Beautiful. I am not normally a visually-minded
    individual but will look for his presence anew today– starting with the upcoming sunrise.

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      God does speak in the sunrise too. May you hear and feel His love. Thanks and God bless

  4. Melissa McLaughlin

    Such a lovely photo and an ever more beautiful message! It is a joy when the Holy Spirit takes a passing moment, like you noticing the table at the beach, and goes ever deeper blessing us with the knowledge, word and presence of Christ. Thank you for sharing this sacred moment!

  5. bethbingaman

    A good reminder of God’s grace to us everyday!

  6. karentfriday

    Yvonne, what a great post. Psalm 23 is one of my favorites! The photo along with the imagery you paint of God preparing a table for us made my spirit soar! To think that no matter what spiritual warfare we face, God’s table is set and ready for us. And on top of all that, He anoints our head and overflows our cup! It’s something to shout about!

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      Hallelujah! It is something to shout about. Thanks and God bless

  7. mimionlife

    I pray I will listen for God’s message. I don’t want life to get so busy that I forget to put Him first.

  8. ava11james

    This picture caused me to pause and consider how God prepares the way for me. He directs our steps throughout this life. So true and a wonderful word today!

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      It was an amazing site and really caused me to pause. When life is tough, I think about it. Thanks and God bless

  9. ava11james

    This picture caused me to pause and consider how God prepares the way for me. He directs our steps throughout this life. Such a great word for today!

  10. Melinda Viergever Inman

    How awesome that the Lord provided this vivid reminder of Psalm 23, his table prepared for us, even in the presence of our enemies. A place of calm. A place of meeting Jesus. A place of tranquility.

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      And it is the perfect place. What a blessing for us. Thanks and God bless

  11. Emily Saxe | To Unearth

    I love when God uses those ordinary moments as beautiful ways to reveal Himself and teach us something!

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      Me too. They always make me feel the closeness of God. Thanks and God bless

  12. Jessica Brodie

    I love that you snapped the picture. I, too, snap pictures when I feel the nudge and often later see in the image what God is trying to say to me. Beautifully said! Thanks!

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      Thanks Jessica. I snap so many pictures based on His nudge and God uses them to speak His love to me. God bless

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