Godly Glasses

Turing Mountains into Molehills
Godly Glasses

I love how some songs speak straight to your heart. The words stay with you as they convey their profound message that keeps you thinking. Below is one such song for me. This song reminds us to look at the world through Godly glasses to see people as God sees them.

Looked down from a broken sky. Traced out by the city lights. My world from a mile high. Best seat in the house tonight. Touched down on the cold blacktop. Hold on for the sudden stopBreathe in the familiar shock. Of confusion And chaos.


Give me Your eyes for just one secondGive me Your eyes so I can see.Everything that I keep missing. Give me Your love for humanityGive me Your arms for the broken-heartedThe ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me Your heart for the ones forgottenGive me Your eyes so I can see

Brandon Heath song called “Give Me Your Eyes”

The first verse reminds me of feelings when my plane touches down in a foreign country during a mission trip. Chaos reigns as I try to figure out where to go and what to do next. Once I leave the airport, I see the hordes of humanity aimlessly wandering along the roads. So many of them appear lost. Not lost in the directional sense, but lost in a sea of hopelessness.

Godly Glasses

The people we serve encompass the neglected souls engulfed in a world of poverty. Often, tourists overlook these forgotten ones as they admire the lovely sights around them. God calls me to reach these people for Him. As the chorus of Brandon’s song states, “Give me Your eyes so I can see.” To see the world with Christ’s eyes is my prayer as I go out on mission each time. I want to see and love people as God sees and loves them. But, do I still ask for God’s eye to see people at home?

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

Do you see the world around you with Godly glasses? We don’t need to travel to faraway places to see those in need. Many people crave someone to see them and notice them, to make them feel loved. Sometimes, the homeless person in the park longs for someone to speak a kind word to him. Maybe, its the mom in the grocery store with a screaming child that needs to feel a loving acknowledgment. When we see with God’s eye, we have the chance to make a difference.

Ask God to Open Your Eyes

I challenge you to turn the chorus into a personal prayer. Ask God to give you His eyes to see the lost and give you His arms to reach the broken-hearted around you. I promise God will amaze you with what He will show you. But, the road does not end with just seeing those in need. Once we receive the eyes of Jesus, next, we need to become the hands and feet to help those in need. We must develop a love for all of humanity, so we become more Christ-like.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2


Yvonne M Morgan, #Blogger, #Speaker, #Writer

Matthew 28:19 “Therefore, GO and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

100% of the proceeds from sales of my book, Turning Mountains Into Molehills, go to help the orphans at Orphan Relief Effort, Inc

Additional Resources:

My Story

Learn About My Book

Getting to know Jesus

Prayer for Salvation

Dear Younger Me

5 Christian New Year’s Resolutions

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Gail Johnson

    I love Brandon Heath’s music! Great post, Yvonne!

  2. mimionlife

    Love that song and love Brandon Heath’s music! As soon as I started reading the lyrics, I knew right away it was his song. Now, I’m singing and praising God. I pray I will see others as God seems them, His children. 🙂

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      His songs do make you sing out loud. I love his music. Thanks Melissa and God bless

  3. S. A. Foster

    Love those lyrics. Yes, wouldn’t it be nice if we all took the time to put on our Godly glasses so that we can see things through His perspective. Our decisions, our interactions and our view of the world would be so different.

  4. Melissa McLaughlin

    Yvonne, I love this song! Thank you for putting it back in my spirit and memory today. Yes, it is a beautiful prayer to carry with us. Oh God, give us eyes to see like you and a heart to love like you.

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      It is a beautiful prayer for all of us. Thanks for visiting and commenting. God bless.

  5. Lisa Q

    I agree 100% that we need to see the world through “Godly glasses.” But it is hard, at times, because there is so much brokenness to be seen. Yet, God loves each and every person, and when you look at people that way, your heart breaks for the ones who have yet to find God’s healing to their brokenness. So, it’s definitely a mixed bag wearing those “God-colored” glasses but one we, as Christians, are called to do.

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      You are so right that it is not easy but a must so we can help those around us. Thanks and God bless.

  6. I love your heart for the people of the world. Since I’m unable to travel with my husband when he goes on mission to needy foreign lands, I try to focus on the people right before our eyes, the one standing at the stoplight in need of money for a meal, the homeless man needing a ticket home, the quiet mother at church with a heavy heart. Needs are all around us. Give us eyes to see, Lord.

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      We need to see everyone with Godly eyes no matter where we are. Thanks Melinda and God bless

  7. karentfriday

    Yvonne, I really like this powerful song from Brandon. I think the lyrics and especially the chorus are such good requests to ask the Lord to give us His eyes to see others and His love. Wonderful insight from you and challenge for us all!

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      Thanks Karen. It is so important for us to see with God’s eyes. God bless

  8. Jessica Brodie

    Yes! We don’t always understand with God’s perspective, but we can try. Jesus is our role model.

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      Yes He is such a great role model. Thanks and God bless Jessica

  9. Anne Mackie Morelli

    What a wonderful prayer Yvonne. “Give me Your eyes so I can see.” To see the world with Christ’s eyes is my prayer” A great reminder that we are called to see the world around us through Christ’s eyes and then become his hands and feet and heart.

    1. Yvonne Morgan

      Amen and thanks Anne. I pray for all of to have eyes opened to God’s world. God bless.

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